Candidates in New Training Program at Kremmling Fire

Mathis New volunteer firefighters, left to right: Mitch Lockhart, Travis Bagley, Dustin Sanchez and Ricky Gutierrez. Our next class is May 19-21, check to sign up. photo credit Brady

by Brady Mathis

Kremmling Fire is pleased to welcome our newest volunteer firefighters! Four Kremmling residents (pictured above) attended the orientation class in January 2016. These volunteers are working to complete the updated candidate training program with the assistance of our veteran firefighters and officers. Great job, guys! We’re excited to have you.

The new training program at Kremmling Fire is designed to help people become safe and effective responders on a more flexible schedule.

In the past, we required candidates to attend nearly 30 hours of training before they could join. That 30-hour requirement was a barrier for some folks who wanted to volunteer, but were unable to attend the orientation. To address this issue, we reorganized our orientation and training. Now, we can get new candidates started in about half that time – without compromising the safety of our volunteers. Following this, candidates can complete their training with greater flexibility.

In addition to reducing the initial time commitment for orientation, we have also made more opportunities for people to come and learn about volunteering as a firefighter. Prospective volunteers are invited to observe membership meetings and company trainings at any time. Moreover, we plan to hold three orientation classes this year, rather than just one. In this way, we hope to make the excitement and reward of firefighting more accessible to the people in our community.

If you have thought about volunteering, now is the time to give it a try! Our next orientation is May 19- 21 (two evenings and a Saturday). Visit to sign up.