Dulac brings businesses to life using 3D virtual tours

Local real estate agent, Nancy Dulac is a huge supporter of Grand County business and is always willing to give a shout-out and share to businesses. She is now offering her services to help businesses utilize a virtual view of their business during this uncertain time.
Local real estate agent, Nancy Dulac is a huge supporter of Grand County business and is always willing to give a shout-out and share to businesses. She is now offering her services to help businesses utilize a virtual view of their business during this uncertain time.

by Kim Cameron
Many business owners are following the current stay-at-home orders and are looking for creative ways to help stay in touch with their customers.

Local real estate agent Nancy Dulac may have a solution for businesses.
She is offering proprietors the opportunity to showcase their business using a 3D virtual tour.

“With the lockdown, there are lots of businesses trying to sell curbside. They aren’t set up at all. The virtual tours allow new customers and out of town people to become customers,” says Nancy who uses a high-end Matterport system to create a virtual tour.

The Matterport system creates a 3D image that allows the viewer to “walk-into” the image and feel as if they are there. She admits this is often one of the first steps for her to sell a home. “I believe firmly that the first showing happens online,” she shares. “I make my properties stand out with excellent photography, virtual tours and drone footage.”

And she is hoping the virtual tour will do the same for Grand County businesses. “I am an entrepreneur and love helping small business in any way I can. This is one way that I can contribute to the small businesses in Grand County during this craziness.”

She has already made virtual tours of many businesses across
the county and hopes that by highlighting what the businesses have to offer she is also giving locals an opportunity to take a peek inside.

Nancy hopes the tours will bring awareness and interest to what is offered locally, and ultimately, create a cohesive feeling throughout all of Grand County. “It’s quite a massive undertaking to be honest,” says Nancy who is currently offering her services free of charge, but appreciates donations to cover travel expenses and her time.

Currently she has completed virtual tours of Northwest Ranch Supply, the Kremmling Apartments, Yaki’s Place in Hot Sulphur Springs, Granby businesses – Two Pines Supply and Autumn’s Nest, Fraser businesses – Adventures Decanted and Fraser River BeerCO, and the Manna Thrift Store in Grand Lake.

This project also has a potential to morph into marketing for the whole county designed to “put heads into beds when the ban lifts,” says Nancy who envisions a virtual scavenger hunt that would send participants into the 3D images of the businesses looking for items. She is currently working with local businesses and local Chamber of Commerces to make it a reality. “It is a collaborative effort,” said Nancy who is happy to share her technology to make it happen.

“Stay tuned for details,” Nancy says excitedly.

To have a visual tour of your business contact Nancy at 970-531-2635, nancydrealty@outlook.com, or her Facebook page, Nancy Dulac Resident Realty.