Free Chipping Days

photo by Kim Cameron
Tyler Hindi of Fraser Rod’s Tree Service pulps a pile of wood at last
Saturday’s chipping event at the Kremmling Fairgrounds.

At this year’s chipping event in Kremmling residents collectively spent 31 hours clearing brush and debris from nine acres, filling 21 trucks and two trailers! The Grand County Wildfire Council is collaborating with the YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch and the Granby Sanitation District (GSD) to repurpose the debris into wood chips, or “woody biomass” from this program. The YMCA will be using the chips for restoration practices, while Granby Sanitation utilizes the chips to create “GrandGro,” a Class A soil amendment consisting of biosolids mixed with pine wood chips. Incorporating GrandGro into existing soils will significantly improve soil structure, increase water-holding capacity and provide nutrients. GrandGro is available to GSD customers free of charge and the general public for $10 per cubic yard. For more information, call the Granby Sanitation District at 970-887-2052.

According to the Colorado State Forest Service, “woody biomass utilization contributes to forest health-

-especially in areas affected by insect and disease–by reducing the cost

of removing hazardous trees and by avoiding air quality impacts that can result from slash-pile burning.” The Chipping Program also reduces hazardous fuels and cleans up your property, helps to protect your home and property from devastating wildfire, increases aesthetics of your property, and helps create healthier forests. Did we mention that it’s also free? The program is funded by grant money from the Bureau of Land Management, a BOCC Grand Foundation Grant, and

from donations.

If you missed last Saturday’s Kremmling event, you still have two upcoming chances to unload your unwanted brush. Chipping days will be in Fraseron June 24that Roadand Bridge, 350 GCR 5130, and in Grand Lake on July 8th, at a location to be determined. The Grand County Wildfire Council states, “We encourage all homeowner associations to motivate their residents to tackle tree trimming and yard maintenance projects soon to take advantage of this free chipping service.”

any questions, visit www.