GCLD Access Grand is Back Online for 2019


by Tallie Gray,
Director of Library Resources
I was never great at poker, my face reveals too much no matter how hard I bite my tongue, so I won’t even try to hide my excitement over one of GCLD’s latest fetes. We have graduated to the likes of Denver Public Libraries as our Grand Access passes are available using online Event Keeper for 2019!

We have some new partners, such as the Molly Brown House Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Denver Firefighters Museum joining the likes of Devil’s Thumb Nordic Center, Fraser Valley Rec, Grand County Historical Association Museums, Grand Lake Area Historical Society, and the Grand Lake Nordic Center.

There are more partners. Fourteen organizations joined forces with our library district to enhance our patrons’ educational, cultural and recreational lives. These groups helped GCLD’s mission to link people to boundless opportunities by cutting costs, so that we could make Access Grand sustainable financially.

Those who know me, know I am technologically challenged. But, like using Overdrive, I find requesting a pass online at gcld.org/accessgrand and simply inserting my library card number super easy.

To request a day pass:
Go to the Access Grand Request Page and follow the directions. There is a 30 day time frame in which to reserve a pass. To find out more about the organization, click on the name in the green box, information options will pop up. If you like what you have read, click on “Request Pass.”

Most tickets are printable, simply bring your printed confirmation to the organization on the day you are to visit. There are two exceptions, The Denver Art Museum and the Denver Botanic Gardens. Both organizations donated specific tickets which need to be picked up at any library when you bring in your printed Reservation Confirmation Page.

There is NOTHING to return to the library UNLESS you were unable to use your ticket for the Denver Art Museum or the Denver Botanic Gardens. Since we have limited tickets to both of these places, if you were unable to visit, we would appreciate having the tickets returned.
Currently, Access Grand partners are: Devil’s Thumb Nordic Center, Fraser Valley Rec, Grand County Historical Association Museums, Grand Lake Area Historical Society, Grand Lake Nordic Center, the Butterfly Pavilion, Denver Art Museum, Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver Fire fighters Museum, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, History Colorado Center, Molly Brown House Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, and Silverthorne Recreation Center.

I cannot say enough about the positive experiences I have had working with our partners. I am ready to write more articles, with a smile, as I cannot have a poker face when I am holding a royal flush. We hope you will enjoy sampling what Grand Access has to offer.
We are looking for more partners!

If you know of an organization that would be interested in attracting locals, please send an email to tgray@gcld. org or call (970) 887-9411 x100. The best form of advertising is by word of mouth, especially from a local GCLD patron!