Governor candidates visit Grand County

Gubernatorial candidtaes (L to R) Steve Barlock, George Brauchler, Victor Mitchell, Greg Lopez with Grand County Republican Chair Carl Wood..
Gubernatorial candidtaes (L to R) Steve Barlock, George Brauchler, Victor Mitchell, Greg Lopez with Grand County Republican Chair Carl Wood..

by Carl Wood

Grand County Republican Chair If you think Grand County voters don’t account for much in statewide elections, it is time to change your mindset. Last Friday at the Grand County Republican Lincoln Day dinner in Granby, four gubernatorial candidates and three state treasurer candidates turned out for the opportunity to explain why they would best serve Grand County and all of Colorado following the 2018 election.

by Kim Cameron Gubernatorial candidate Jared Polis greets Kremmling residents at the Grand Adventure Brewing company last Friday at the Grand Adventure Brewing Company. He is currently Colorado’s 2nd congressional district US represenative, and he can best serve Colorado’s interests as governor. (Pictured) Sherri Solawetz visits with Polis as Marcia Wyatt (a registered independent) looks on.
by Kim Cameron
Gubernatorial candidate Jared Polis greets Kremmling residents at the
Grand Adventure Brewing company last Friday at the Grand Adventure
Brewing Company. He is currently Colorado’s 2nd congressional district
US represenative, and he can best serve Colorado’s interests as governor.
(Pictured) Sherri Solawetz visits with Polis as Marcia Wyatt (a registered
independent) looks on.

Gubernatorial hopeful Steve Barlock stressed water and the solvency of PERA. Victor Mitchell’s message was entrepreneurial ship and innovation to solve Colorado’s issues. Greg Lopez spoke to personal accountability and the value of small business. George Brauchler’s desire is to make Colorado a better place for your family and his. State Treasurer hopefuls Brett Barkey (our own current District Attorney), State Representative Polly Lawrence, and State Representative Justin Everett all share a concern of the looming PERA deficit while offering a variety of experience they would bring to the position.

Current Secretary of State Wayne Williams, seeking re-election, topped off a great evening with a reminder that none of the election machine or computers used anywhere in Colorado is or has ever been connected to the internet.

While it may seem that it is too soon to begin another election, precinct caucuses have been set for March 6, so it is high time to begin understanding what the various candidates offer.