Kremmling Mercantile and The Moose Café

"(L to R) Kremmling Mercantile - Julie Swee ey, Juan Sanchez, Denny Thurow, Frank Sanguinette and Lisa Mack"

September’s Businesses of the Month

by Brittany VanderLinden

This month’s Kremmling Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month is a special combination. Kremmling Mercantile and The Moose Café have been nominated.

A little history, Karen and Dave Hammer came to Kremmling in 1999 when they purchased Peak Ranch.

In 2003, they purchased the Lone Moose and renamed it The Moose Café. Shortly after, they learned the only grocery store in Kremmling would be closing. During this time, they ran across an article from the USDA reporting that towns without grocery stores quickly dry up. This gave them motivation to start work on planning, designing, engineering, and building The Kremmling Mercantile.

The doors for the Mercantile opened in August of 2005. Karen and Dave are proud of the fact that Kremmling only went without groceries for 10 days. With help of great managers, they are proud to continue to serve the community.

When asked about what products and services both businesses offer, Karen told the Chamber “We have tried to maintain the history of
the Café by serving homestyle cooking in a family atmosphere. The Mercantile offers more than just groceries. We have an old fashion meat counter with custom cutting, a bakery, a deli, pharmacy, liquor store, sporting goods, clothing, gas/diesel and a car wash.”

Karen went on to state, “It has been a struggle thru the pandemic to maintain the shelves full and we have appreciated everyone understanding. Nationwide, the supply of food and grocery is low. Everyone is working double time to just keep the food chain running.

“Our employees deserve the most credit, keeping as much of the food supply intact as possible. This trickles down to the food supply at the Moose Café since we supply the restaurant from the Mercantile.

Something the community might not know about both businesses is, “Our employees and management shoulder most of the work and stress of the businesses and the current pandemic, just to keep food in supply and everything running. They deserve the credit.” Karen relayed.

When not working, you will often find Karen and Dave, driving in the country, enjoying different histories, up at Peak Ranch or
with friends and neighbors.

“(L to R) Moose Café – Marilyn Ruiz Avila, Madison Jump, Elvia Hinostroza and Gina Schroeder (courtesy photo)”

The Hammer’s love the sense of community that Kremmling offers and are a huge support to the Community as well. They are actively supporting all events in the Town of Kremmling, and most can vouch, that they have a deep love and connection to the community. We are lucky to have two great businesses, along with two amazing owners and their dedicated staff as members of our community.

Kremmling Chamber of Commerce thanks you!