Letter to the Editor



Most are feeling overwhelmed by the development tsunami sweeping Grand County – including, unfortunately, our political representatives. 

Grand Park has preliminary approval from Grand County to build over 1,200 units adjacent to Fraser at the base of the tubing hills.  Good planning – backed by language in the Grand County Master Plan – would force what constitutes a new town four times bigger than adjacent Old Town Fraser to annex to the existing community. 

Former Commissioner – and now County Development Director Kris Manguso said that plowing in the proposed Byers Peak Ranch will be done privately.  Future Byers residents desperate to get their streets plowed filling the commissioner’s room (or the Fraser board room if residents vote to annex) are apparently a problem our children will have to deal with. 

Manguso noted the county is unable to hire plow drivers – likely because pay scales are not high enough to live here.  Another can kicked down the road for the next generation to deal with. 

Note current Granby Town Board consternation concerning inadequate planning for the access to City Market. Poor planning increases developer profits gleaned from our hard-earned tax dollars. 

County Clerk services, including motor vehicle, continue in crisis mode because our current Commissioners refuse to address fundamental funding issues causing a shortage of staff.

 In the same vein of officials dodging tough questions, Commissioner-approved deficit spending is facilitating the building of reserves to fund a jail building voters rejected.

We need new leadership brave enough to professionally deal with growth and to prepare for a more challenging tomorrow.  Age-old Grand County libertarian and laisse-faire approaches to land use, planning, and budgeting are jeopardizing our quality of life. 

Vote for Abbey Loberg for Clerk and Steve Skinner for Commissioner. All of us, including our children, deserve better governance.

Andy Miller  Fraser