Kremmling Town Square Pavilion Update


The design group revealed that Granby architect Scott Munn has made himself available for the project. The design team’s Michelle said “Joe Harthun will look at the project in mid-november and we expect to present his conceptual drawing to the counsel in December. Scott has then offered to provide architectural drawings.”

The design team’s intention is to keep the pavilion in the same location and use a rectangular pavilion of 1500 square feet, and construct it to fit in with the historical buildings around town square. Wood will be used to make this happen. The design team obtained a quote on materials and installation from Northwest Ranch Supply, using local resources. The price came out to $78,000 for a 30×50 foot structure, 1500 square feet. The town also got a quote for the installation and materials of a steel structure of the same size, totaling $78,870.

“In a September work session, the town proposed and estimated a total town budget that included prepping the site and the structure installation; with the lighting, electrical, the landscaping fixtures, and other features that didn’t affect the buildings warranty, to be available as citizen participation opportunities. The design group wants to propose the supporting design features as a separate financial community supported package.”  Michelle also stated that the design team has received interest from the community, and is looking for continued support.

A site plan is needed before construction can begin. Michelle mentioned that Tom Carey is available for surveying purposes and is needed to continue with the process. The design team’s Michelle was asked when the expected timeline of completion will be of the pavilion and she responded with “ as soon as it’s conceivably possible.” It was decided to table the proposal until December.