Book Float Results

Grace Wahl
Courtesy Photo - Grace Wahl, Drama: 1st Place - Most Creative; 4th Place (tie) - Best Use of Material; 5th Place (tie) - Most Colorful

Most Creative

1. Grace Wahl, Drama

2. Joe Probst, The Indian in the Cupboard

3. Olivia Stefanik, Esio Trot

4. (Tie) Abbie Wood, Star Wars: The Force Awakes; John Butler, The Truth of Me; Rowan Kittrell, The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight; Bella Igner, The Umbrella

Best Use of Materials

1. Jezaya Pasillas, My Weird School: Mrs. Cooney is Loony

2. Rowan Kittrell, The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight

3. Ashlynn Shotkoski, Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog

4. (Tie) Grace Wahl, Drama; Abbie Wood, Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Most Colorful

1. Bella llgner, The Umbrella

2. Tally Harthun, Pete the Cat: Big Easter Adventure

3. Rowan Kittrell, The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight

4. Taylin Harthun, Whatever After: Sink & Swim

5. (Tie) Grace Wahl, Drama; Kylie Wood, Whatever After: Once Upon a Frog; Katy Dixon, Grace

Best Interpretation of a Book

1. Joe Probst, The Indian in the Cupboard

2. Ashlynn Shotkoski, Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog

3. (Tie) Stran Lechman, Charlie and the New Baby; Kassandra Stubbs, How to Eat Fried Worms

4. Nadia Schempp, The Cat in the Hat

People’s Choice 2016

1. Joe Probst, The Indian in the Cupboard

2. Jezaya Pasillas, My Weird School: Mrs. Cooney is Loony

3. Kimberly Cererceres, Chocolate Fever

4. (Tie) John Butler, The Truth of Me; Stran Lechman, Charlie and the New Baby