Flooding in the Hot Sulphur Springs Library


News of flooding was first reported on Monday this week after an unexpected dip in temperatures froze
a pipe in the Hot Sulphur Springs Library. Due to fast action by Bill Crouch of the County Maintenance
department, the water was switched off and the damage was minimalized. The area most affected was
in the ceiling and carpet squares around the circulation desk, amounting to approximately a quarter of
the library. The collection of books, DVDs and other library material were mostly unharmed and were
quickly packed up and stored away. Unfortunately the Library is closed while repairs are in process. We
apologize for the loss of service to Hot Sulphur library users. The Grand County Library District is working
to open the doors as soon as possible. Meanwhile, books, DVDs, audiobooks etc. may be returned as
usual to the drop box outside the Hot Sulphur Library building. Pre-school story hour will be held on
Wednesdays at 11:15am at the Hot Sulphur Springs Town Hall. Items which have been placed on hold
will be available for pick up at the Granby Library. For updates and more information please check the
GCLD website at gcld.org