BOCC Highlights – Commissioners approve pay raise for elected officials


by Tara Walker
On November 7th, Housing Coordinator Sheena Darland requested an additional $25,000 in funds for the Cliffview assistant living center for 2017. She explained that Cliffview has more Medicaid residents and less private pay residents than they have had in previous years. Medicaid gives around 1000 less than private pay and this has affected the need for more funding. The BOCC, sitting as Housing Authority, approved the additional $25,000.

Finance Director Curtis Lang requested an upgrade to the current accounting system during the November 7th BOCC meeting. Lang recommends accepting the Tyler Technologies proposal for $58,910 as the other proposal was over $500,000. He explained, “The newer version will help us move to a paperless environment. We can attach items for vouchers electronically.” They haven’t upgraded the accounting system since 2006. The BOCC approved his request.

Commissioner Linke had questions about text to 911 capabilities in Grand County. Grand County Sherriff Brett Schroetlin explained that we currently have text 911 options in Grand County since January 2017. Text 911 is helpful when taking rescue calls if a person is in backcountry where a phone call won’t go through, but a text can. Text 911 can also help the hearing or visually impaired. This is a great service option now and Schroetlin hopes that more residents are aware of the option to text 911 for emergencies.

Sheena Darland gave an update from the Grand Foundation’s Leadership for Sustainable communities group. Freeport-McMoRan awarded the group a 100k grant to help address the need for attainable housing in Grand County. Sheen explained that the grant will be used to develop a website that owners and community members could use to advertise or find rental opportunities in Grand County. Funds are also planned for a housing needs assessment and to help create a program that can help with temporary rental assistance.

During the November 14th BOCC meeting, County Commissioners decided that they may need to extend the Marijuana Moritorium to allow more time for public comments and the fact that the discussion and postings would fall over the holidays. The Marijuana moratorium extension will be decided at a later date.

The BOCC approved salary adjustments for elected officials with the requirement that the adjustments not exceed 20%. Eden Recor with Grand County Internet services gave public comments, “It’s been ten years without a salary increase for commissioners. This is not a part time job and you are busy and earning a lot less than everyone else. I feel like you should have the salary increase. This may encourage people to run for office and that is also a positive thing.”