Officer Minhas joins Kremmling Police Department

photo by Kim Cameron Officer Mike Minhas joined the Kremmling Police Department last week. His first day was Monday, May 7. Among his interests he lists being outdoors, playing instruments, and teaching hockey. This is his first police officer position.
photo by Kim Cameron Officer Mike Minhas joined the Kremmling Police Department last week. His first day was Monday, May 7. Among his interests he lists being outdoors, playing instruments, and teaching hockey. This is his first police officer position.

Mike Minhas joined the Kremmling Police Department last week.

The newest officer is currently familiarizing himself with the locations of roads and businesses in Kremmling. The 28 year old was born and raised in the Denver area. His parents often visited the mountains to camp, hike and fish, and when Minhas was job searching, he felt Kremmling was a place he could see himself staying and “put roots down.”

“I like smaller communities…and it’s a great place to be outdoors. I like to be outdoors and rather than sit inside a building all day.”

He spent the majority of his twenties at the Metropolitan State University of Denver where he earned a degree in Criminal Justice. While there, he worked as a Supplemental Instructor on campus in the areas of criminal justice and philosophy.

After he moved to Longmont, he was hired at Estes Park as a Community Service Officer, he decided to attend the police academy. He graduated in December of 2017.

In reference to his police academy training, he highlights training he received in “verbal judo.” The verbal techniques train police officers to employ active listening skills to better help with situations.

Naturally, he feels comfortable with college-aged students, but he hopes to be able to work with all age groups.

As an officer in Kremmling, he looks forward to making connections in the community, talking to people and helping solve issues.

“Meeting new people, hearing different stories, and different experiences people have,” is also what drew Minhas to the Kremmling community.

As Minhas acclimates to Kremmling, he admits, in addition to being outdoors, he has an affinity for music. He plays the drums, guitar, bass guitar and trombone.

“I love listening to music and hope to play more again,” Minhas says.

His taste in music ranges from all types, such as classical music to rock.

“I always liked hockey too… I haven’t played in quite awhile.” Minhas worked at Skate City where he coached hockey and taught beginner skating programs. His students ranged in age from two-years-old all the way up to 58 years-old.

Chief Scott Spade says of Minhas, “We are very pleased to have Mike join our team, and I believe he will be an excellent addition to Kremmling.”

The search for Chief of Police is still ongoing according to Trustee Erik Woog. “We have a couple of potential candidates with resumes in. Looking forward to seeing more over the next few weeks.”