2018 Blue Book Complete, Register to Vote

photo by Tara Walker Grand County Democrats carried a sign with a message to vote during the September 22 Constitution Day parade in Grand Lake.
photo by Tara Walker Grand County Democrats carried a sign with a message to vote during the September 22 Constitution Day parade in Grand Lake.

by Tara Walker
The 2018 Blue Book is complete and will be hitting registered voter mailboxes beginning the week of September 24, 2018. The Blue Book is also online at https://co.grand.co.us/147/Elections. Unaffiliated voters with no preference will receive a Democratic ballot and a Republican ballot, but they can only choose one to fill out and return.

Grand County reports on their website that they are receiving calls expressing concern over whether or not the Colorado of Secretary of State, Wayne Williams, will be providing the Trump Administration’s Election Integrity Commission with Colorado electors’ personal voting records.
The Grand County Elections webpage explains that Secretary of State Williams will be providing the Commission with voter’s name, address, party affiliation, date of registration, gender identity, phone number (unless unlisted) birth year, and past voting history. He will not be providing Social Security numbers or full dates of birth. The information was to be provided to the Commission on July 14, 2017. but it will not be provided due to a lawsuit until further notice. Confidential voter information will not be shared. To become a confidential voter, fill out a voter confidentiality form, and pay a $5.00 fee with the county.

If you have a Colorado Driver’s license or ID card, you can register to vote online at https://www.sos.state.co.us/voter/pages/pub/olvr/verifyNewVoter. xhtml.

You can also fill out the paper form and turn it in to your county clerk and recorder. You are eligible to register if you are a US citizen, are 16 years old but will be 18 years old by the election in which you intend to vote, are a Colorado resident for at least 22 days before the election in which you intend to vote and are not serving a sentence (including parole) for a felony conviction.