COUNTY – Possible zoning changes encounter community resistance


by Tara Walker
Planner Joan Lyons addressed questions and concerns about possible zoning changes related to outdoor storage during the March 19th Zoning Public Hearing.

After hearing public comments and concerns, Commissioners didn’t vote on the recommended zoning changes and have scheduled a follow up zoning hearing on April 23 at 2 p.m. The zoning changes will also be discussed at the Planning Commission meeting April 10tat 6:30 p.m.

Currently, outdoor storage is a use by right within Forestry and Open Districts. Storage located outside of the Forestry and Open Districts have no formal regulations for storage, access or visibility.

Zoning representatives explained that they are trying to propose changes that mitigate nuisance complaints and visibility issues with storage. Forestry, ranching and farming has commercial storage listed as a right, but other districts are finding the need to define use of storage on properties, especially for recreational vehicles or for use for storing building materials while constructing a home.

Andy Miller, a builder and member of the Builders Association supported zoning changes related to storage during the prior March 5 meeting, “Neighborhood concerns can be handled through covenant control. We are a home build county and it would be good if people can use their property and use it in a more organized fashion rather than piling building supplies on a lot.”

The Planning Commission recommends the addition of indoor and outdoor storage special use permit regulations as well as addition of definitions related to outdoor storage and recreational vehicles. Proposed amendments would allow for indoor and outdoor storage facilities as a right in the Business District and would allow for indoor and outdoor storage facilities as a use by special review in the tourist district.

James Newberry, Manager at Trail Ridge Marina, questioned whether existing Marinas would be grandfathered in with the new storage zoning changes and asked that marinas be added to the tourist zone as a use by right. Commissioner Kris Manguso agreed that this should be considered.

In addition, Commissioners and Planning reassured that Grand County typically doesn’t require additional permitting unless the business expanded the use and are developing new areas for outdoor or indoor storage.

Other public comments included concerns about maintaining the beauty of the scenic byway as well as concerns over blight at Dilly Docks. One concerned citizen felt that the county was placing a higher regard to developers and revenues rather than the citizens of the county.

Lyons assured those attending that she would follow up with public hearing attendees to address their concerns and take their comments into consideration.