A letter to the West Grand Graduates

Class of 1970
Class of 1970

I’d like to address here, not the editor, but the graduates of West Grand High School. My point of view is not that of the grandmother of one of you, although I am that, but as a member of the class of 1970 here. If you do your math correctly you will note it’s been 50 years since my 32 classmates and I graduated (how did THAT happen?) You will find our class photo in the halls of the building you have attended in your high school years, but we attended and graduated from the building where the wellness center for the hospital is now housed.

Several of you noted in your graduation profiles how fast the last four years have gone. I can assure you, from here on time passes even more quickly! At risk of boring you to death, please allow me to share some life lessons it pays to learn early. Hopefully your parents have allowed you to make mistakes along the way before you could be seriously injured or worse. So here we go, in no particular order.

Take responsibility for your actions. It isn’t always someone else’s fault.

Implement the Golden Rule. If you don’t recall what that says, Google it.

Always tell the truth. That way you don’t have to remember what you said.

In the midst of life, be sure to stop on occasion to smell the roses.

If you fail to reach your goal, DON’T GIVE UP. Regroup and try again. It doesn’t have to be the same goal.

Be careful the company you keep. Some will build you up, and some may tear you down. Be willing to step away.

No matter how much time you spent in Kremmling, some of the small town has rubbed off on you. Hopefully it’s the part about concern and caring and work ethic.

When you give of yourself, do so without expectation of being treated in kind.

Alcohol and drugs can really complicate your life. Party wisely and avoid it if you can. Neither is a requirement.

Life isn’t always fair.

Problems look smaller after a good night’s sleep.

Some of you will leave here and never look back. Some will leave, find out the world out there is more than what you want and return. And some of you may not leave for a long while, if ever. That is how it goes if you follow my classmates and I and those of many other classes. We are already proud of you and all you have accomplished. You live in a world SO different from what ours was. There will be times you will have to be creative to succeed. I encourage you not to believe most of what you hear and read and even be skeptical of what you see. You will be asked to make choices about issues not at all clear, with many people in your face stating their points of view loudly. Try to apply everything you’ve learned about common sense and reason. And then walk boldly into tomorrow.

Oh, one more thing. An older lady I knew a number of years ago had a favorite saying I like. “When things look the darkest, remember the sun will come up tomorrow.”

Nina Wood