WG students repair Greenhouse

Andrew Pecotte and Ollie Bergman help put new plastic wrap on the Greenhouse.
Andrew Pecotte and Ollie Bergman help put new plastic wrap on the Greenhouse.

now ready to take hanging baskets

by Emmylou Harmon

The West Grand Chapter of FFA and CTE Agriculture Department replaced the plastic on the greenhouse for a fundraiser/ learning opportunity. The previous plastic was blown off during a wind gust over the summer. Many students showed up to accomplish this difficult task. Troubleshooting and working together were the themes of the day. Jacob Walters, the new West Grand FFA Advisor/ Career Technical Education (CTE) Agriculture teacher led the students through this process. Without his hard work, the greenhouse would still be a skeleton. The electric and heating system also suffered damage and will hopefully be repaired soon.

Thank you to all the students and staff that participated in this project and made it successful: Jakob Buller, Austin Schake, Gabe Torres, Ben Kellen, Sage Lechman, Emma Daly, Wade Jansen, Allison Daly, Lily Butler, John Butler, Ollie Bergman, Tanner Brumley, Andrew Pecotte, Trace Lewis, Jacob Walter, Dave Heil, Wes Howell, Emmylou Harmon, and Shannon Barsy. The greenhouse will be collecting recycled hanging baskets the week of December 14-17 and January 4- 8. To order baskets look for a Facebook post next week, or contact Emmylou Harmon at harmone@wgsd.us or (970)724-3425.

West Grand students, Lily Butler and Allison Daly help to repair the Greenhouse under the watchful eye of FFA Advisor, Mr. Jacob Walters.
photo by Emmylou Harmon