Masonic Lodge facelift

photo by Kim Cameron Jhan Pedersen and Mike O’Hotto recently purchased the Masonic Lodge building on North 3rd Street (the big green building on the right) and recently began clean-up and renovations.

Jhan Pedersen, a new owner of the Masonic Lodge on North 3rd Street, approached the Town Board to build an awning and an upper deck with double doors on the front of the building.

The Town has replied that the awnings would be in the Town of Kremmling’s right of way and encroach on the Town by six inches. It has been found that the awnings that are on the buildings just down the street (partially pictured above) also encroach on the Town.

The Town is worried about liability and discussed a license agreement with property owners who are encroaching on the town as an option.

Pedersen recalled that the awnings were originally placed on the buildings as a town beautification project, and he would like to match the decor on his newly purchased building and “boost” the appearance of the building and “give it some character.”

Incidentally, the Downtown Colorado Incorporated (DCI) assessment from 2013 noted a lack of consistent landscape along the main street, and stated specifically, “Businesses would be encouraged to have wooden awnings that match the ones already on the buildings across the streets north and east of the Town Park.” No decision was made at the meeting, and the Town Manager said he would follow through with the Town Attorney’s recommendations.