The doors are open!


by Tess Riley, GCLD Library Services Specialist
Happy days are here again! The doors of all five of Grand County Library District’s branches are now open for walk-in with limited hours. You can browse, as well as use study rooms, computers, and office services, no appointment needed.

If you’ve missed the smell of books, the sight of colorful spines lined up in rows, and the feeling of being surrounded by stories, you’re not alone. On one of the first days that the Granby Library was open again, one of our young patrons walked through the doors, threw her arms up into the air, and announced to the building, “Hello, Old Friend!”

Although GCLD has offered pick-up services, computer/office services, and digital programming during these past months, patrons have sorely missed being able to browse the collections in person.

Now that all branches are open, staff and patrons alike have been delighted to see one another again, catching up on news and talking about all the great books we’ve read during quarantine.

A few branches are currently offering outdoor Storytimes and outdoor book group meetings, while others have added Storytime Strolls (self-guided Read Aloud books with activities to get you from one page to the next). Naturally, circumstances are fluid and changing daily, but GCLD is committed to offering as many opportunities as possible for patrons to once again engage with each other over a shared love of learning.

As we reconnect, we’ve been thrilled to discover how many people have used GCLD’s “sixth branch”,, during quarantine. Patrons have learned to download eBooks and audiobooks using the Libby app, kept current with news through NewsBank, used Kanopy to stream great movies and children’s programing, and developed new skills using Creativebug and Rosetta Stone.
But, of course, nothing beats being able to come back into the libraries once again! Welcome home!