Michelle Licha-Oros Massage Therapy

Michelle Licha-Oros
Michelle Licha-Oros

Kremmling Chamber Business of the Month

by Tara Sharp
Executive Director, Kremmling Area Chamber of Commerce
I recently had the extreme pleasure of interviewing Michelle Licha-Oros, and also had the divine pleasure of having her work on me.
Michelle has a niche in massage therapy that is not offered in many other places; she specializes in injury treatment, surgical recovery, lymphatic drainage and scar tissue therapy, breast cancer and mastectomy massage.
After moving to Colorado from California in 2005, Michelle worked for the Bureau of Land Management while completing her massage therapy school. She graduated in 2006, and opened her Kremmling practice in 2007.
This year, Michelle took a leap
of faith and dedicated more of her time to pain relief focused work.
Many readers know my personal story — I incidentally found a tumor in 2011 after being involved in a car accident. Over the next three years, I had 20 surgeries. As you can imagine, I have quite a lot of scar tissue. Michelle began working on me, and I instantly began to notice a difference. She is incredibly informative and very good at what she does.

Michelle’s love and passion for her profession is exuded
both in speaking with her about practice, and personally experiencing her therapy. She loves to help people mend from many of life’s traumas.

As the medical community recognizes massage therapy as an alternative to medication for patients managing chronic pain, Michelle has seen her referral business grow. Medical professionals treating a wide variety of diseases — from oncology, lymphatic, surgeries, invasive treatments as well as abdominal surgeries — are increasingly referring patients to Michelle.

When asked what her favorite thing about doing business in Kremmling is, Michelle said without hesitation “The community.” She loves serving the community that has welcomed her with open arms.

When not helping people mend, you can find Michelle hiking, walking or simply enjoying the outdoors. She loves the open space of living in Kremmling offers.

On behalf of the Kremmling Area Chamber of Commerce, we would like to thank Michelle for being an outstanding business in our community, and also her dedication to helping our community.