Rediscovering the classics

Susie Bergman, GCLD Virtual Book Club member, read both versions of Anne Frank’s diary.
Susie Bergman, GCLD Virtual Book Club member, read both versions of Anne Frank’s diary.

by Emily Pedersen and Shelly Mathis

Grand County Library District

Discovering new books and authors is the essence of the genre-based GCLD Adult Virtual Book Club. From Jane Austen to Pearl S. Buck and Jules Verne to John Steinbeck, participants spent the last three months rediscovering the classics. Some revisited a beloved book from years ago. Others finally got around to that book they’d always wanted to read. Modern classics such as the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, children’s classics such as My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George, and non-fiction classics such as The Boys of Summer by Roger Kahn were shared. Wonderful discussions surrounded several favorites, including the following:

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Scout, a precocious young girl, lives in a small Alabama town full of quirky townsfolk and southern ways during the 1930s. When her father willingly defends a black man accused of raping a white girl, Scout is mystified by the injustice that unfolds. Through the eyes of a child, Lee exposes prejudice in all of its ugly shapes and forms, which challenges readers to examine the darkness lurking in their own souls.

Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation by Ari Folman
Other club members read The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, as well as the first graphic novel adaptation by Ari Folman. In both versions, Anne reveals the perspective of a Jewish teenage girl during the Holocaust. Although her adolescent family struggles and romantic interests are familiar to us, her experiences of hiding from Nazis and suffering in a concentration camp are not. The graphic adaptation adds depth with gripping and meaningful illustrations.

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
In this romantic and suspenseful tale, a young bride becomes the second wife of widower Mr. Maxim de Winter. Her new life in the remote castle is haunted by the peculiar behavior of the housekeeper, who insists on preserving vestiges of Rebecca, the former Mrs. deWinter. With each day, the second Mrs. de Winter struggles against a growing sense of impending danger. Moody, mysterious, dark, chilling – this classic is sure to captivate.

This quarter, the genre for the GCLD Adult Virtual Book Club is “Made into Movies.” Read a book, and then watch the movie. Which did you like better? Join the moderated Facebook group of the same name for book ideas and fun tidbits about the genre given by Kremmling Library Services Specialist, Shelly Mathis. Suggestions are also available at in the “Made into Movies” browse category, in library book displays, and in the readers’ advisory binders at the Kremmling and Hot Sulphur Springs libraries.

Next Quarterly Gathering: Monday, May 6 at 6:00 pm – Kremmling Library Wednesday, May 8 at 6:00 pm – Hot Sulphur Springs Library
Please call 970-724-9228 for more information.